Duke Nukem 3D Android Game v1.0.6
Duke Nukem 3 D is a both saiban and iPhone platform transplantation of simple picture over the first person shooter game 3 D, that year appeared to should be "your work" right, now, it seemed, screen is humble, but can play degrees still pretty high, like classic players can try.
Because it is in the first few years of the game, so transplant to Android platform to come up, the picture is made some optimized.
Duke Nukem 3D Android Game v1.0.6 The game features
-for more touch phone, the optimization;
-this game support various Android tablet computer, such as MOTOROLA XOOM;
-the default installation to SD card;
-this version only includes the first set
Duke Nukem 3D Android Game v1.0.6
Download Android Game v1.0.6
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