Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 6, 2011

Hamster:Attack Android Game Download

Hamster:Attack Android Game
Help Hammy save his friends! Hammy is a hamster who managed to figure out how to open his cage. Help our accidental hero release his friends using his makeshift slingshot in this physics-based puzzle game.You’ll play Hammy, the furry freedom fighter, as he frightens cats, knocks things over, blows them up, and generally causes mayhem as he works to free his brother and sister rodents. But beware of the cats -- you have to scare them away before you open the cages, or your friends will become lunch!

Hamster:Attack Android Game The game is tuned so that it's not terribly hard to beat most levels, but there's typically a "best" way to beat a level -- and you'll need to find it in order to get the gold medal.
Hammy isn't angry, but fans of a popular game involving birds and spherical pigs should find Hamster: Attack! a creative new entry into the genre. While you still get to blow things up, there’s a lot more puzzle and and a lot less trial and error.
More levels are coming soon! If you want more levels, be sure to get your friends to buy Hamster: Attack! -- levels cost money, and the more popular the game is, the more levels I'll be able to afford!

Hamster:Attack Android Game Download
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